

datastruct = easyCode(template, 'scales' [,'ppts'] [,'rescore'] [,'include_trials'] [,'titles'] [,'screen'] [,'window_bounds'] [,'device'] [,'instructions'] [,'cresp_template'] [,'use_template_trials']) [] = optional parameters '' = parameter-value pairs


EASYCODE provides an interface for researchers to manually code participant responses contained in a datastruct generated by SuperPsychToolbox.


D = easyCode(template, 'scale', scale_map) launches a trial-by-trial review of experimental stimuli using a freeform typing interface. The 'scale' parameter must be followed by a respmap or cell array of respmaps. Use makeMap to create your resmap for scoring purposes (e.g., makeMap({'correct','incorrect'}, [], {'c',i'})), or supply a resp_type cell pair as described in "help easyType" (e.g., {'~isnan(num) && num>0','must supply a number greater than 0'}. Note that "Return" is reserved for submitting responses and cannot be used as a rating key. The results of the manual scoring are stored in the datastruct and saved into a new file. D = easyCode(template,'scale',scale_map,param1,val1,param2,val2...) sets various optional parameters. Parameters are case-insensitive, and each string parameter must be followed by a value as indicated: 'include_trials' Numeric array or cell array of strings. By default, rating is conducted on all trials. Specify a subset of trials here to limit coding. Default: 1:end 'titles' String or cell array of strings. The name of each scale. Should be a cell array of equal length to that of 'scale'. If this is not set, new measures will be described numerically as "Rating 1", "Rating 2", etc. Note that a special case exists for easyType scales: if a title contains the string "cleanup", the participants' own response will be used as a starting point for a coded response (useful when, e.g., performing transcriptions by cleaning up text). Default: [] 'screen' Positive scalar integer The screenID on which to display the rating session. Default: 0 'window_bounds' 2- or 4-element numeric array. If a specific window size or position for the scoring screen area is desired (e.g., to allow cross-referencing with other information), a smaller screen can be specified as a two-element array [width height] or four-element array [topL topR bottomL bottomR]. Default: fullscreen 'rescore' Boolean When set to true, easyCode will not present trials that have been previously scored by you (as determined by your initials). To rescore already-scored trials, set this to true. Default: false 'ppts' string or cell array of strings. The string or strings will be evaluated by showMeTheData to identify other participants whose data should be scored. Their data folders will be searched for a datastruct of equivalent type to the one that was supplied. Default: '' 'cresp_template' boolean. When set to true, correct responses that are presented as a guide during rating will be used from the template participant, rather than each individual participant, as is the default behaviour. Default: false 'instructions' String or char array of strings. If set to a string or cell array of strings, the string(s) will be presented as subsequent screens full of instructions. After each set of instructions is presented, the program will wait for the user to press a key to either repeat the instructions or exit. Default: {} 'organize' string. Scoring is always looped across participants, but this can be done in two ways: to loop over scales (multiple scales within item before moving on to the next ppt, same item), set this to 'item'. To loop over scales (multiple participants within scale before moving onto the scale, same item), set to 'scale'. Default: 'item' 'use_template_trials' Boolean. By default, trials are restricted to those that are present in the template participant. If this boolean is set to false, then all trials are considered for rating whether or not they are present in the template participant. Default: true 'device' Positive scalar integer. The device_id for the desired input device. If left empty, the input device will be set to the first keyboard returned by getInputDevice(). Default: []